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2014 Fall
Meeting #1: Tuesday 09/16
The first meeting of the fall semester was well attended. Edgar Troudt from Travel and Tourism, ([email protected]) who is collecting data on faculty use of technology, attended the meeting and surveyed the attendants about their technology needs and concerns. Attendees spoke of how they are using technology tools, how it is impacting their courses, and their teaching practices. Blackboard was discussed in great detail. More and more faculty are using BB as a technology tool in their classrooms or would like to be using BB in their classrooms. Participants suggested more that more training sessions on using Blackboard be provided.
Meeting #2: Tuesday 10/28/14
During this meeting we discussed Open Educational Resources or OERs. According to WikiEducator, OERS refers “to educational resources (videos, lesson plans, quizzes, syllabi, instructional modules, simulations, etc.) that are freely available for use, reuse, adaptation, and sharing”. The handouts from the meeting are posted on this website.ELi7061 Open educational resources guide.pdf A presentation on OERS can be found in the sidebar.TWT meeting 10 28 14 Shank_Wiley+Learning+Institute+Webinar.pptx
Meeting #3: Tuesday 11/25:
Orit Hirsh from Office of Information Technology Services led a discussion entitled” Easy steps to generate a blog or a website for your class and why do you need social media in the classroom?” Weebly https://education.weebly.com/ provides free class websites that can be used to supplement or replace Blackboard. Orit finds the site more user-friendly and colorful than Blackboard and may be easier for students to access.
Welcome to spring. It may not be spring outside yet, but we’re off to a good start with the spring semester for the Teaching with Technology Faculty Interest Group.