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2014 Spring
Our first meeting was held on Wednesday March 19th. Attendees spoke of how technology is impacting their courses and their teaching practices. The great thing about implementing technology into our teaching practices is the ability to go at your own pace and to use trial and error to find the right mix. Faculty are finding that students are more and more comfortable with Blackboard but often needs lots of guidance. Tsybasa Berg from KCATT attended the meeting to speak about how KCATT http://www.kingsborough.edu/faculty/Pages/kcatt.aspx can support and help faculty with Blackboard and other technology programs and issues. KCATT offers one- on- one support and is located in L705 of the Robert Kibbee Library and is open from 9:00am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. (ext. 6622), or email ([email protected]) for more information. The second meeting was held on April 8th,2014. During this meeting we discussed ways to record video lectures and post on Blackboard for students.
The final meeting was held on May 20th and was an end of semester, plan for the fall meeting. Many people shared their plans for the summer. We discussed the transition from face to face to hybrid courses.
We discussed posting a question in a BB discussion forum for students to answer that requires them to log on weekly. The topic or question does not necessary have to be directly related to the course. For example, an Accounting or Business instructor could post a financial literacy question or display a you tube video on the topic and ask students to comment on it. A question or video on the affordable health act or the cost of attending college may be appropriate for many different courses.
The subject of MOOCs was discussed. MOOCS are mass open online courses and are available at various Universities and on websites such as Coursera.