At our first meeting, we discussed the article “Flipped Class Trends: A Survey of College Faculty”, a special report from Faculty Focus. Between our discussion and the KCTL survey you completed, below is a list of items participants are interested in exploring:
- hear about how colleagues are using technology in their classroom
- how technology can be incorporated into all classes, not just hybrid or online classes
- interactive video lectures and how they can be used to have students come to class with some background knowledge or as a way for students to reexamine difficult concepts
- the use of apps
- use of itunes, crash course, Khan Academy
- Ensuring equal access
These items will be the basis for our discussion for our future meetings. The schedule of meeting dates is:
October 28
November 11
December 2
All meetings begin at 3:00 in M391.
Here is another interesting article about academic cell phone use published in the Journal of College Science Teaching. Happy reading!
Student Impressions of Academic Cell Phone Use in the Classroom