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Sharing Technology Tools

Teaching with Technology FIG

Meeting 2 of Spring 2019 Semester- May 7 and May 8, 2019

At our meetings, we reviewed various tools people have been using with their classes.  Most were Blackboard tools.  Here is a summary of the tools we shared with one another:

  1. Zoom:  KCC has a zoom account for conducting video-conferences.  With zoom, you can record a lecture or meeting.  The recording is saved and a shareable link is created. The recordings are large files but with the shareable link, you are able to post it on Blackboard for your students to easily access.
  2. Youtube live: always you to live stream so you can work with learners in real time

Blackboard Tools

  1. Adaptive Release:  a BB feature that restricts access to content until a learner has completed a certain task, such as a reading quiz.
  2. Blackboard Organizations:  similar to a course shell. Organizations can be set up by KCC’s IT Office.  You can then add any CUNY user.  Organizations are great if you are working with colleagues on a project and need a space to collaborate.
  3. Tests: Tests can be set up in Blackboard. As you are setting up a test, you can use the pools selections so that questions can be stored and randomized. As you set up you test, you should think the date and time you would like to deploy the test as well as the  amount of time you will give students to complete the test.
  4. Safeassign:  a BB feature that detects plagiarism.

Our next meetings will be on May 28 at 11:30 and May 29 at 1:50 in KCeL (L705)

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