Three meeting were held during the spring semester.
During the first meeting people shared their technology experiences with the group and talked about some of the difficulties in getting students to use the various programs and resources. Amy demonstrated the free program called Poll Everywhere
During the second meeting we met in the honors lounge and the manager of KCATT ([email protected]) discussed and demonstrated methods of recording class room lectures and the services provided by the media dept. and KCATT to assist with this process. Sherry Glazer discussed her experiences using the 360 program at Stonybrook University in her biology classes. We also discussed various programs on campus that use technology such as Distance Learning program that is used to interact and reach students in remote locations off campus.
The third meeting was held in May on a very warm day at KCATT. The manager of KCATT ([email protected]) led a demonstration on the use of smart boards in the classroom. He demonstrated using the pointer and clicker, saving the screen and then posting the “class work” for student access. There was great interest in the topic. A slideshow is available on the topic on the KBCC website at the following link